August 24, 2023
2 min

Recapping the DOE Emerging Tech Studio's Venture Showcase

On August 17, 2023, FedTech hosted the DOE Emerging Tech Studio: Venture Summit, in collaboration with the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) and the Department of Energy Office of Technology Transition (DOE OTT). The Venture Summit featured an innovative cohort of entrepreneurs pitching exciting new energy tech companies to the public. With keynotes from NNSA’s Jahleel Hudson and DOE OTT’s Victor Kane, the summit represented the world premiere for these new, energy tech-focused startups created during the program.

“We have partnered with FedTech to provide startup studios to entrepreneurs looking to build companies around DOE and NNSA technologies. In this time, we've had over 30 technologies participate in this program with 15 teams created that are active and incorporated companies and 11 of those securing the licenses from the labs and — as you heard earlier — hopefully more.” - Jahleel Hudson, NNSA

Meet the Teams

During the 2023 DOE Emerging Tech Studio Program, entrepreneurs were brought together to form teams with the mission to create a startup company leveraging technologies from DOE’s national laboratories.

The startups spanned a number of technology verticals, ranging from nuclear detection to plastic recycling. Over the course of the program, the following companies were formed and pitched at the event:

Learn more about the teams — and how to contact them — by reviewing the DETS Event Guide:

Read the Event Guide >

Samal Energy came out victorious in the pitch competition, winning the Judges’ Choice Award. Coming in as runner up was Upcycling+.

“I’m very thankful and I’m excited to start this journey. I also would like to highlight how supportive FedTech was in this program so that people like me who are new entrepreneurs would get this award and work on something cool and groundbreaking. I’m really thankful.” - Aigul Miksa, Samal Energy

FedTech would like to express our gratitude to our sponsors: the National Nuclear Security Administration and the Department of Energy Office of Technology Transitions! Furthermore, we would like to thank the DOE labs and participating inventors for their contributions to the DOE Emerging Tech Studio, including Sandia National Laboratories, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Ames National Laboratory, Idaho National Laboratory, Fermilab, and The Kansas City National Security Campus.

Congratulations to all of our program participants, judges, mentors, and teammates for making the DOE Emerging Tech Studio and Venture Summit a success!

“We know how challenging and intensive this process may have been at times, but I know that you've not only leveled up your own skills in this journey, but you've also helped us at DOE move forward with our tech transfer goals. And to the aspiring entrepreneurs that are hopefully listening as well, I hope you watch these pitches from the teams today and really think about their experiences. And I hope you absorb the message from the FedTech team of how you can play a role here in the future.” - Victor Kane, DOE OTT

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Department of Energy
alumni startups
Clean Tech