June 20, 2024
5 min

Innovation Day 2024: NNSA Opens Discussion on Emerging Technologies

In a world rapidly transforming through technology, NNSA Innovation Day on October 8, 2024, stands as a beacon of progress, fostering a symbiotic relationship between the nation's top nuclear security experts and the private sector. It aims to create a bridge between NNSA's technological advancements and the private sector's mission-critical objectives, offering tangible partnering opportunities.

With a keen focus on building new capabilities, expanding technology maturation, and facilitating strategic dialogue, the event will propel the market's adoption of advanced technologies.

Innovation Day is set to establish a 'Market Pull' versus 'Tech Push' assessment engine, promote technology maturation through industry collaboration, and ensure seamless integration of lab-developed innovations with the industry's market demand.

This event will set the stage for groundbreaking partnerships that will define the future of national security technology and industry cooperation.

NNSA Innovation Day culminates meticulous market assessment, technology diligence, and strategic networking. By contributing your expert opinion, you help ensure that our collaborative efforts align with market needs and are geared toward future-proof solutions.

Click Here to Contribute Your Insights to The Market Demand Assessment

Technology Focus Areas

Our goal is to select six technologies from the focus areas below for the Innovation Day Showcase. Selected technologies will be innovative, pragmatically relevant, and beneficial for both industry and national security.

NNSA Innovation Day Phases

Market Demand Assessment

Phase I: Market Demand Assessment

Your Voice, Our Future:

Help Us Shape the Next Wave of Tech Transfer!

The NNSA and participating labs want your opinion. In our Initial Market Demand Assessment phase, we seek the input of experts in Renewable Energy, Integrated Sensing & Cyber, and Human-Machine Interfaces to refine the trajectory of our technological efforts. As a key player in the industry, your feedback is the cornerstone of a future-proof tech ecosystem. Dive into this phase to lay the groundwork for a targeted event that promises to be as rewarding as it is influential.

Click Here To Contribute

Technology Maturation

Phase II: Technology Maturation

Paving the Way for Mature, Market-Ready Innovations

This critical step involves a deep dive into a wide array of emerging technologies, rigorously evaluating each for its potential impact, viability, and alignment with the challenges and opportunities identified in the MA Phase. This isn't just an assessment of innovation; it's a comprehensive evaluation of practical applicability and potential contributions to both the industry and national security. Experts from various fields bring their perspectives to the table, ensuring a well-rounded and thorough assessment. Key factors such as scalability, market readiness, and potential deployment challenges are carefully considered.

Facilitated Introductions

Phase III: Facilitated Introductions

Unlock Potential

Market Demand Assessment participants will have the opportunity to connect one-on-one with NNSA lab partners for technology deep dives.This phase is designed to foster partnerships that resonate with your business aspirations and technical challenges. Participate in setting the stage for collaborations that will thrive beyond the event's horizon.

Click Here To Contribute

Innovation Day

Innovation Day 2024

NRECA Conference Center

Arlington VA, 1:00 PM EDT

By this phase, the ground has been set, the diligence completed, and now, we unveil a day rich with expert insights, breakthrough technologies, and real-time engagement. Join us for Innovation Day on October 8, 2024, to witness the power of collective expertise converging on solutions that matter, and to celebrate the collaborative efforts that will bring the next wave of security solutions.

Click Here to Attend

Join industry experts and pioneers by contributing your insights to the NNSA Innovation Day Market Demand Assessment

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Participating Labs, Plants and Sites

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Internal Innovation
Tech Commercialization